Outbound Marketing
Outbound marketing is one of the traditional and oldest form of marketing where in the company will initiate to pass on the information of their product or service to the customer with the natural search engine marketing efforts. Whether the content is published in the newspaper or if it is telecasted in the television, or by cold calling, it is still regarded as one of the most efficient way of marketing by the industrial professionals. It is most efficient on the older customers because they are comfortable with watching TV’s or listening to radios or by reading newspapers and most of them are not aware of using the internet facility in the older generation. So, this leaves an impact on them to buy the product or service.
Outbound marketing also helps in business-to-business marketing or higher-end product deals, where sometimes the customer would ultimately like to seek with the personal interest in meeting the manufacturer or service provider or trade events.
Factors influencing Outbound Marketing
Types of Outbound Marketing
- TV ads
- Radio Advertisements
- Telemarketing
- Cold-Calling
- Window Displays
- Email Marketing
- Trade Shows
- Sky Writing
- Newspaper Advertising
- Sandwich Boards
- Direct Mail (brochures, postcards, catalogues)
- Branded Marketing (newsletters, key chains, pens, even flash drives)

Activities to be followed by Outbound Marketer
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